
The Bedside Observer was initially an interactive blog designed to create a platform where everyone and anyone accepted by society as legal to engage in naughty activities could share their ”sensual” experiences, engage in adult-like conversations about it and……………sheeeeesh, who are we kidding, it was a blog for sharing SEXUAL stories shikena!!! – and if you had a problem with that, you were advised to go jump off a very high cliff.

Now, The BesideObserver is kinda evolving. The Posts will now devolve into a mix of rants, stories, poetry, more rants, a dash of sexual and emotional tantrums with a little seasoning of anything and everything, and oh oh oh i have a co-blogger in the house – and he shall be named the Imperfect Perfectionist. Together we would indulge in one of our passions – the sculpting of words in to beautiful pieces of literary art for your very own bewilderment, entertainment and God willing inspiration (cricket, cricket, cricket and owl hoot).

As usual For comments, suggestions, inquiries, sponsorship (what? yes i like money, who doesn’t) and others, please do subscribe and use the comment box below / Drop us an email today at: bedsideobserver@yahoo.com / tweet @BedsideObserver.


>>>>>>>>You should be 18+ to enter!! and some pages are NSFW!!

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